The Embody Project  explores body perspectives in all people — male, female, younger, older, healthy, physically challenged, differently-abled, etc — through environmental portraits of people naked, being themselves, real and honest and lovely and amazing in any shape or size.  The intention of the Embody Project is to provide an opportunity for all of us to learn, grow, heal, and love ourselves right now, as we are, as unified and eternal beings in these infinitely diverse and temporary physical forms.

The Mission

To photograph bodies of any age, color, shape, size, and gender with pure honesty and total acceptance.

To celebrate the human form, uniting people in the unique beauty that we all are.  To be human is beautiful and an honor.

To illuminate, to connect, to provide a sanctuary, and to foster self-acceptance, inner peace and well-being for all, through experiencing being photographed and/or viewing photos of people naturally naked.

To explore and further illuminate the nature of body image and issues of self-love through an in-depth interview, and a statement or essay, written by the participant, about their experience of being embodied that will accompany the images.

The more diversity there is on the Embody Project website, the more chance there is that someone, somewhere, will see themselves reflected and feel a sense of connection and peace. This body of work is a work-in-progress. If you don’t see someone like yourself represented yet on this site, please consider being the one to step forward to participate! YOU can be a beacon of self-love to others.

1. be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).
2. provide (a spirit) with a physical form.
Synonyms: personify, realize, manifest, symbolize, represent, express, incarnate, epitomize, stand for, exemplify

May all beings be happy naked.

May all beings know our own beauty and the beauty of those around us.

May we celebrate ourselves and each other.

May we see our similarities through our differences.

May we recognize the fleeting and precious nature of this life.

May all beings be free.